Do One Thing A Day To Get Through Lockdown

1. Fit My Day film studio

You will be surprised at how something as small as sewing on a button can make a huge difference to how you feel for the rest of the day.

Lockdown brings with it such a mix of feelings. One one hand, I want to use this time to do everything I never have time to do: clean out the office, plant a garden, paint the fence. And yet, I also don’t feel like doing anything at all! What I have discovered is that there is great power in just doing one purposeful thing a day, no matter how small.

We obviously need to do our usual daily activities such as eating, showering, working, exercising (daily exercise is so helpful for our physical and mental health at this time). And then, on top of these daily activities, we can add in a purposeful activity that we would like to get done, but is not essential. The activities can include both simple, short, easy tasks and more difficult, complicated tasks, so you can choose what you want to do each day according to how you are feeling.

Once you have created your list (and it’s important to write the list given that much of the satisfaction comes from crossing things off), cross one task off every day. Just one. You may have a day when you are feeling great and cross multiple things off, but the main point to this activity is that you only need to focus on one task. Then, even on your worst days, you will feel you have achieved something, no matter how small.

Here are some suggestions from my list, as well as some other ideas that might be helpful when you create your own list:

  • Clean out that kitchen / bedroom / bathroom drawer

  • Plant something in the garden

  • Sew that button back on the blazer / pants / shirt

  • Paint the fence (yes, this is one of those bigger activities you can tackle on a good day)

  • Change the batteries in the clock that has been frozen in time for months

  • Change the oven clock to the correct time

  • Cook a slice you can freeze for the kids’ lunches for when they return to school

  • Crumb some chicken thighs and freeze ready for a quick dinner

  • Hang that picture that has been leaning again the wall for months

  • Clean those cobwebs from the corners of the ceiling

  • Clean the mould from above the shower

  • Put on a great Netflix show and empty the ironing basket

  • Sort out your active wear and get rid of the things you won’t wear again

  • Replace the globe in the lamp/s

During this difficult time, don’t expect too much from yourself, but remember that the smallest positive action can make a big difference to your day.

By Angie Black